Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sh*t My Dad Says Review

Originally I had bought this book for my dad as Christmas present, but before wrapping it I took a peak like the bad kid I am and found this to be highly entertaining. From the first quote to the last, I was rolling on the floor laughing. I was so hooked to what crazy thing this old man was going to say next I even read it while cooking. I don't recommend that. In what started as a Twitter feed quickly became a book and then a TV show. It is not surprising Halpren's immediate success after reading just a few of his dad's now infamous quotes. Halpren's story of his father and their relationship will make you laugh, smile quite possibly tear up.

It is broke up into fairly easy to read chapters with a couple of stories and then after each chapter there is about two pages with humorous side-splitting quotes from his father. It is a quick and light-hearted read which will do nicely after the holiday overload. There is foul language in it, but the foul language will probably remind you of some old man in your life who is set in his way and isn't going to change for the world. We laugh at touching humorous stories such as these, because we see someone we know or ourselves in this one man's quotes. It's refreshing to see a no-name author can achieve all of this with just the start of a Twitter feed.

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